Important Reminders

Interference with Utilities
In making Improvements to property, Owners are responsible for locating all water, sewer, gas, electrical, cable television, or other utility lines or easements. Owners should not construct any Improvements over such easements without the consent of the utility involved, and Owners will be responsible for any damage to any utility lines. All underground utility lines and easements can be located by contacting:
Utility Notification Center of Colorado
Drainage and Grading
The covenants require that there be no interference with the established drainage pattern over any property. The established drainage pattern means the drainage pattern which exists at the time final grading of a Unit by the Developer or a Builder is completed. When installing your landscaping, it is very important to insure that water drains away from the foundation of the house and that the flow patterns prevent water from flowing under or against the house foundation, walkways, sidewalks, and driveways into the street. The ARC may require a report from a drainage engineer as part of the landscaping or improvement plan. Landscaping and all drainage from downspouts off the house should conform to the established drainage pattern. Sump pump drainage should be vented a reasonable distance from the property line, on the owner’s property, to allow for absorption. Adverse effects to adjacent properties, including District lands, sidewalks, and streets, will not be tolerated. (Refer to Sections 3.21)